服務 our service

Help you implement your ideal solution

SG可以根據您的活動策劃需求提供多種服務,並可以引導您從會議策劃到設計以及後續的安裝安排。 我們相信每一個專案都應該根據客戶的需求,然後提供專業的服務建議。我們處於設計階段的前沿並擁有專業能力,我們非常熟悉活動策劃的各個面向,了解我們的以下服務如何協助您滿足您的需求。

SG can provide a variety of services according to your event planning requirements, and can lead you from meeting planning to design and subsequent installation arrangements. We believe that every project should be based on the customer’s needs and then provide professional service suggestions.

We are at the forefront of designing stages and have professional capabilities. We are very familiar with various aspects of event planning. See how our services below can help you meet your needs.

Consulting services


Our collective experience and familiarity with stage and event design can provide more information and suggestions during the planning, pre-installation, design development, event arrangement and other stages of the project.

security inspection


SG’s powerful security inspection method can provide security information for all types of activities, as well as standardized enforcement specifications. The safety of the event can be guaranteed so that everyone can enjoy it with confidence.

Pre-installation period

賽事項目前期,將對各個項目進行測試,確保安全和項目安排。 經過設計測試、調整和評估後,將為每位專案嘉賓打造出最適合的活動舞台。

In the early stage of the event project, various projects will be tested to ensure safety and project arrangements. After design testing, adjustment and evaluation, the most suitable event stage will be achieved for each project guest.

Event & Stage

活動和舞台設施提供高品質的設備可供租賃。 我們將採用新的設計和施工解決方案來創造空間,添加光線,並改善整體外觀和感覺,以創造令人驚嘆的效果。

Event and stage facilities provide high-quality equipment for hire. We’ll create spaces with new designs and construction solutions, add light, and improve the overall look and feel to create awe.