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Let’s start our next collaboration

SG Holding 2009 正式成立,但創辦人從事活動及舞台策劃服務已有10多年。 我們有機會在各個地區安裝令人印象深刻的活動場地,現在我們很高興與您合作創建您的下一個項目。
SG Holding is officially established on 2009, but the founder has been engaged in event and stage planning services for more than 10 years. We have the opportunity to install impressive event venues in various areas, and now we are excited to work with you to create your next project.

你有興趣嗎? 致電熱線:(852)6386-0188,或您可以填寫以下表格:
Are you interested? Speed dial hotline: (852) 6386-0188, or you can fill out the form below: